5 Crazy Trendy Hanging Plates Wall Decor Ideas
Hanging Plates Wall Decor Ideas

Spice up any room in your home by adding a creative touch – hanging plates as wall art! Discover 5 inspiring decor ideas to start your project.

Are you looking for a unique way to decorate your home walls? Look no further than Crazy Trendy Hanging Plates Wall Decor Ideas! This trend is becoming increasingly popular as it adds a unique and creative touch to any room in the house. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they also come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors that can be used to create stunning wall displays. Plus, there are so many different ways to hang them that you can completely customize your wall decor. With Crazy Trendy Hanging Plates Wall Decor Ideas, you can transform your walls into works of art!

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From all-over wall displays to a single eye-catching piece, hanging plates can transform any room into a work of art – or even add a unique focal point! Discover 5 inspiring decor ideas for using plates as wall decor and get ready to take your home design to the next level.

1. Choose the right spot on your wall for the display

Before you start hanging plates, it’s important to choose the best spot for your wall display. A great place to start is by finding a focal point in the room – such as over a bed or couch – where you want to draw attention. From there, you can decide on a vertical or horizontal pattern that works with the size and shape of your plates. Once you find the best spot, install anchors and hooks in the desired configuration so that when it comes time to hang your plates they’ll be perfectly aligned!

2. Create Interesting Patterns with Inconsistencies between Colors and Sizes of Plates.

Incorporating an interesting pattern of plates can add additional texture to the wall display. Use different shapes, sizes, and colors – uncurated mixes are best! When done right, these small inconsistencies will create the perfect amount of contrast, making a bold style statement that’s sure to draw attention. Experiment with placements before you hang them so you can get a sense of what might work together in terms of visuals.

Colors, shapes and size of the wall decor plates
Colors, Shapes and Size Of The Wall Decor Plates

3. Hang Frames and Plates Together.

Add a unique twist to your wall decor by combining two classic elements – frames and plates. Hang classic or ornate frames with a larger plate or use several smaller plates of varying sizes. You can easily make your own grouping of plates and frames by allowing the empty space inside each one to act as the frame for multiple plates – resulting in a beautiful array of colors, textures, and shapes!

Beautiful sculpture made of china plates
Beautiful Sculpture Made Of China Plates

4. Add a Bohemian Flair with Vintage Patterns

If you want to add a unique touch to your wall decor project, try adding some vintage-style plates with interesting patterns. You can explore different options – think ethnic prints, folk art designs, and abstract shapes. Combining different patterns is a great way to create eye-catching visual interest and make your space look more playful and eclectic.

Vintage Style Plates
Vintage Style Plates

5. Choose a Plate Style that Speaks to You.

When shopping for plates to hang on your wall, always keep in mind the existing style of your room. Consider different colors and textures that will complement the atmosphere of the overall composition. Look for items that reflect your personality so you can be sure you’ll love how it looks when it’s all set up and completed.

5 Eye-Catching Minimalist Wall Decor Ideas For Any Room

You can easily make your own grouping of plates and frames by allowing the empty space inside each one to act as the frame for multiple plates – resulting in a beautiful array of colors, textures, and shapes!
